How To Learn On-Page SEO Practically

The Millionaire Method: What the Rich Don’t Want You to Know

By Fekoya Jesuudamilola

The Ultimate Guide On How To Learn On-Page SEO Practically 100%

Have you ever wondered, “What exactly is SEO?” Well, you wouldn’t be the first person to inquire, after all.

Many other people have posed the same question over and over again. In this article, today we will be talking about SEO,  how to learn on-page SEO practically.

Now, let’s look at what SEO is briefly.

What’s SEO?

SEO means site engine optimization.

SEO is the process of improving your site and its visibility and reach when people search for you online, especially your business services or product on search engines like google,bing,yahoo etc.

When we talk about SEO, it means the process by which you optimize your blog/website to rank well on google.

SEO is a major way to have reoccurring web traffic. We have put together a practical guide on how to use On-Page SEO to grow your website.

What Is On-Page SEO?

How To Learn On-Page SEO Practically
How To Learn On-Page SEO Practically

On-Page SEO is a subset of SEO, here the major target is to improve the visible,front end part of the website to make it suitable for your audience to use, without any issue.

Here is how to learn on-page SEO practically in your blog.

1. Page Title or Keywords.

Keywords are the core of your posts. This are topic that people are going to be searching about constantly.

Using relationship as an example, what are people searching for about relationship. Marriage.

I can write a blog post on what marriage is but there’s a likely factor that it wouldn’t rank so this is where “long tail keywords” comes in.

Instead of writing what is marriage,
I’ll look for something longer maybe 4-5 words like “How to find a good spouse in 2022, “How to know the right time for marriage etc.

Long tail keywords give you a wider range and chances to get to the top of google page.

READ: How To Get Your Blog Posts Indexed Within Seconds.

Now, what we do is once we get an idea of what the long tail keyword is, we input in SEO tools like semrush,, ubbersuggest, google trends, keyword planner, Ahref and Moz and try to look for the KD(Keyword Difficulty).

It is advisable not to target words above 50KD, also note that all this tools will give you different answers. While some might be 24 another may be 32. Just pick a tool and stick to it.

However, you can use social media or Google “people also ask” to get an idea of what you want to write about. Then you create your contents around them.

2. Meta Tags/Description.

This is a summary of what your post is about. People see this summary before they click on the link to your blog post.

It is important to always write this by yourself because naturally google would help you but it might not attract people enough.

When writing your meta description, make it simple, compelling and attractive but not click bait to your audience.

READ ALSO: How To Set Up Google Analytics.

Using the first example in the keyword above “How to find a good spouse in 2022”.A meta Description could be
“Finding a good partner this days are quite a far reach from my basic research I’ve compiled a short list on find out how to find a good spouse in 2022”

In this description it was short, it also had my keyword in the description and then it is also compelling.

3. SEO URL Link.

Your link shouldn’t be too long so that google doesn’t cut it in half and it should also be easy to understand. Although, it isn’t a problem for you.

4. Images And Alt Text.

Some website owners ignore this section of they don’t do it properly. This is one way to drive traffic to your website.

Most CMS(WordPress,wix, blogger) always give an option to set it up.

So what’s image alt? 
Image alt is a brief description to tell what a picture is about. This is beneficial especially if your image doesn’t load or your audience are blind.

5. Robots.txt Optimization.

This simple piece of code is used to warn google bot to stay away from crawling a page or site. If you have an online course on your site, where people pay to access it.

It is good to block google from going through it. If you don’t, you would be cheating others as someone else can get it easily from Google search.

READ MORE: How To Verify Your Domain On Facebook.

Another is if you have a landing page, you don’t want people to visit it from Google itself, you want them to click a link that would take them to that page, then you need to add a robot text.

In most CMS they usually have this(something like block this page from Google) once you blog it. No one can access it directly from Google search except they click on the link to get.

6. Optimizing Internal Link.

Internal linking is when your user can get access to other parts of your website from a link. A good example is linking from the homepage to one of your blog posts.
Internal linking helps to drive traffic around the website.

Another example of internal linking is when you read a post on a person’s blogs and they show you closely related post, sometimes you click on those other blogs to expand your knowledge or satisfy your curiosity.

7. Content Optimization.

This is about going back to previous posts to update the information or dates and uploading new information e.g. In a case where a company you wrote about has added or change some policies, you need to update it on your posts.

Content Optimization is also implementing of other On-Page SEO practices such as editing the head tags, checking on the links, updating contents and pictures.

8. SEO Url Structure.

Url’s that has characters like (_-!?’%) are one thing to avoid.

Another is to avoid very long topics or url as google would cut part of it off when displaying it on the result page

Your site url in general should be something that people can easily remember and spell so as not to land on another page

9. Outbound Links Optimization.

This is linking to other websites or pages. Outbound Links can affiliate links,social links, other we links.

You need to make sure that all links are valid and still online and are not broken. You also need to make sure you don’t have any broken links on your site.

NB: One way of getting backlinks is to look at competitors site and find any broken link that leads to them, then write to the people who linked to them that you have a post similar to your competitor and if they can replace the link with yours.

10. URL Mapping.

This is more in-linking, where you link to different parts of your website. From your home page to your contact us page. From one blog post to another post, from a post to your sales pages etc. Your links should meet it’s purpose.

NB: Internal linking and url mapping are basically the same. Mapping is just arranging the links in a smooth way

11. File Submission.

This is all about getting your web site map and submitting it on Google search console.

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